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Monday, June 11, 2012

 This boys and girls is proof that no one cares if white people get robbed!  This is our FRONT DOOR!!!
We decided that the people that broke in probably used a hammer or something to smash out the bottom of our door in BROAD DAYLIGHT AT NOOOOOONNN!!!!  yea nobody cares if white people get robbed...
 Yeaaaaa they've come to snuff the rooster YEAA!!!  I thought this rooster looked perticularly wierd so TADA!!!!
 This is the back of 1000 meticais bill!!! ELEPHANTS!!!!!!WOOOOOOTTTT!  I was told I won't see any of those unless they are in a zoo because the people here are poachers :(
 This is Elder Awbrey and Elder Gomes(pronounced GOMSH) with our newly wed couple Felix(felish)and his wife Gina(jina)!
 Pic 2 of our newly weds!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that your place got broken into. Not good. They have little bananas like that in Hawaii. I love them as a regular size one is just too much banana. Hope things are going ok otherwise. Thinking of you a lot. Hope you are keeping tract of all the things that happen to you. Well worth having a record of your wonderful mission. Love you, Grandma and Grandad Awbrey
